Pathways to Employment

Anangu have been asking for a very long time for work to be done on providing their children with work skills that will help them transition from school into the workforce. The Pathways to Employment project is seen as a vital link for their children’s future. PYEC has been working with Empowered Communities and the Department for Education to find funding to employ a local employment broker. The PYEC Employment Broker works with schools and local employers to create opportunities for work experience and work placements to create clear steps from school to work.



PYEC is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for Anangu. This project has been co-designed with communities. PYEC Directors have been involved in the working group for this project. This initiative will deliver long-term outcomes for young people, families and communities in the APY Region. These include:

  • More young people prepared for and engaged in work or study. 

  • Families and communities supporting education as a meaningful and relevant pathway to improved life outcomes will increase engagement in school.

  • All schools in the region deliver curriculum and activities that build the skills and confidence of young people to pursue options post-school.

  • Employers with visible pathways for young people to join their organisations.

  • Partnerships between schools and employers that connect education to local opportunities post-school.

  • The long-term impact of this initiative is a reduced reliance on welfare, increased income security and personal wellbeing, with flow-on benefits to the broader family and community.

Project Partners

This project will collaborate with Empowered Communities, Department for Education and NPY Women’s Council


Funding for this project is being provided by NIAA.

Transition pathways broker

The transition pathways broker will focus on the following tasks:

  • Implement transition curriculum and ‘work – readiness’ activities

  • Provide relevant, supported work experience opportunities, pathways to employment, training and support for new workers

  • Develop individual transition plans and provide support for a minimum of 12 months post-school towards implementing them.

Project outcomes

One on one support for young people in high school and for 12 months post-school

  • Increased collaboration between schools and employers

  • Transition curriculum and school-based training in schools

  • Work experience and exposure for all secondary students

  • Increased access and opportunities for vocational education and training

  • Increased family and community involvement; raised aspirations for young people in the region

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